Mexico Photo Journal

On a complete whim, I jumped at the opportunity to fly half way around the world and join Dennis in Mexico for a week. It was such a feast for the eyes, with the melding of thousands of years of indigenous cultures and much more recently, Spain.

I was completely blown away by the picture of a city of chinampas, surrounded by canals. Of course the city has been drained now, but the naturally wet land is leading to parts of the city sinking (there are consequences when we mess with nature). You can still see the chinampas and canals at Xochimilco and imagine what the bustling city would have been like.

This history of Mexico is so extensive, fascinating and deep; the culture it has led to so full of life and the creation of incredible food, incredible art and such beautiful places. I’m already counting down the days until we can return…

Mexico City

Ready to go home. (Dance to honour the Virgen de Guadalupe)


Flower field chinampa


Friendly stray dog

Mexico City > Oaxaca

On pilgrimage to the Virgen de Guadalupe


Monte Alban