Category / Learning / Learning / Ruby on Rails / TLB
Time ago
The next useful step is to capture and display when the garment was last worn – which means exploring showing dates and time.
September 23, 2021 -
Cost/Wear: Part 1
I’m really keen to get the basic functionality in that I’ve been thinking about this entire time. Cost per wear.
July 1, 2021 -
Create Read Update Delete
Next step on the journey is learning how to implement some fairly rudimentary, essential functions. Create, Read, Update, Delete or in acronym form: CRUD.
June 8, 2021 -
Hello World! Starting Ruby on Rails
Welcome to my first journal as I jump into coding. Here I’ll recap what I’ve been learning – not fastidiously, as a disclaimer – but by way of sharing and remembering.
June 4, 2021
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Thoughts, Ideas, Inspiration
Just a little collection of moments, experiments, work in progress, explorations and inspiration.